
Our Mission

G-SCIENCEis the exclusive distributor of G-PUR® purified clinoptilolite. We aim at providing a broad range of dietary supplements (with a strong focus on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention). Our company covers a broad range of know-how and expertise from geology to biology, from analytical chemistry to clinical development, supported by well-respected universities and their excellent scientists. Our patented manufacturing process, secured by a certified quality management system, guarantees a one-of-a-kind and safe version of Clinoptilolite, which is further processed to introduce modifications that allow to target specific applications. Patients benefit from effective medicines with a low propensity to cause side effects. Our aim is to become the leading company in the field of Clinoptilolites/Zeolites with our culture of striving for excellence.


The success of G-SCIENCE comes from our relentless desire to achieve the highest quality standards. We certainly pride ourselves on growth and innovation, and it is our dedication to ethical behavior, continuous quality improvement, open communication, trusted leadership and empowering teamwork that truly distinguishes G-SCIENCE. These characteristics inspire confidence in the people we serve across the world and reflect a philosophy present in everything we do. This commitment extends to patients and customers, our employees, our global communities and our environment.



G-SCIENCE leads the industry by exceeding expectations. The status quo is never enough at G-SCIENCE. Each day we ask ourselves how we can improve on what we do, how we do it, and how we can lead the industry in new ways. So, in every department, at every location, our people strive to deliver high quality products and services in the most innovative ways. For instance, we know how important our pharmacy partners are to consumers and healthcare professionals, so we put significant effort into working closely with them in all they do.

Who We Are

G-SCIENCE, Inc is the exclusive distributor of G-PUR purified clinoptilolite. 

G-SCIENCE partners with consumers, physicians and pharmacists to deliver the best therapies and solutions to improve lives. Our approach enables us to constantly adapt to a never-changing healthcare industry, so as needs change and grow, so do we. From education and leadership to advocacy, this personal passion for our customers’ well-being is at the heart of everything G-SCIENCE does.



Our products are inspired by the people we serve consumers, physicians and pharmacists rely on G-SCIENCE to produce only the finest therapies and healthcare solutions. We subject our products to a full regimen of testing and quality control. We begin the process with data-driven research and product development. Then our medical, regulatory and legal teams work diligently to thoroughly educate patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals about the effectiveness and safety of each product. Our quality assurance team ensures safety and efficacy of our products and strives to meet the regulatory standards put forth by the FDA. The result is a pure, safe and effective product every time.

Our History

Photo of the Quarry


In the late 1990’s Ing. Gaston Glock became interested in the health benefits of Clinoptilolite.


GLOCK Health, Science & Research GmbH was founded in Austria.

Sophisticated Testing Instruments Used in the Metallurgical Analysis of the Purified CLN


A team of International Researchers (Chemists, Biologists and Geologists) began basic scientific research on Clinoptilolite (CLN), the sole ingredient of G-PUR® , focusing on developing it’s purification process in Austria.


The purification process for Clinoptilolite was developed, optimized and patented (patent granted).

Multiple Zeolite deposits visited and analyzed around the globe. The most suitable, high quality CLN raw material source was found in Slovakia, as a result, a small-scale purification production plant was set up in Austria.


ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 was granted for our Quality Management-System.


Supported by all relevant safety data, a New Dietary Ingredient Notification for our purified Clinoptilolite was filed with the FDA.

After reviewing our safety data, the FDA issues a “No Objection” Letter to market G-PUR® in the United States.


A state-of-the-art, CGMP Compliant Purification Plant was constructed in Austria.


G-SCIENCE, Inc. US as well as GLOCK Health, Science & Research, GmbH, Austria, became FDA Registered as “Food Facilities” in the US and marketing of G-PUR® began in The United States.


G-PUR® is launched in the United States.

In cooperation with external, well-respected Academic Partners & Universities, research studies for other CLN applications intensified and are currently ongoing.

Stay up-to-date on the G-PUR® lifestyle


Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider before deciding to use a dietary supplement, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on https://g-pur.com/  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is not intended for children.